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Teacher in Classroom


Education has many benefits on society in many ways and it has great impact on public, families, and their children. Education must start from young age and does not have a limit or end. By education, life advancement will be enhanced and human will live better life. Enhance connections to everyday life.

Why education is important?

  • Provide better foundation for advance academics.

  • Develops qualified workers and increases employment opportunities.

  • Improves individual income and establishes prosperous life.

  • Gives back to the community and strengthens overall economy.

  • Promoting higher order thinking since knowledge is power.

Where We Stand


It should not get involve in redefining school system nor enforce new law to adjust education cause. Also, to regulate education cost & support college education.

School Funds

Federal & state funding should be equal to every school. Local property tax should be able to cover the cost of operation as minimum with federal and state funding.


Curriculum should be reform to fit twenty first century without tampering with the original meaning of education and keep the raising the kids to their family. Any additional social or religious education should be elective.

Teacher’s Income

Adjust teachers’ income to satisfy good living life to middle-class as minimum to keep their mind focused on education and its advancement.

Teacher’s Union

It should not get involved in politics nor in any matter other than to defend teachers’ interests when issue arise. If not, teachers should create new union to serve their interest and abandon the existing corrupt one.

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